Pegasus Capital

PegCap is authorised and regulated by the FCA to provide advice and arrange transactions for Professional clients and Eligible Counterparties. PegCap cannot hold or control client money and it does not take market positions for its own account.

Within the scope of its regulatory permissions PegCap is able to advise and arrange transactions in a number of investment activities including: Options, Futures, Swaps, CFD’s, Forex, Securities, Credit Derivatives, Debentures, Money-market instruments, Warrants and Government Securities.

Please note that as Pegasus Capital LLP is not authorised to hold or control client money it does not provide FX Transactions nor Deposit Services as Principal or Agency - if someone purports to represent Pegasus Capital and offer these services it is important that consumers contact the relevant regulatory authorities for their jurisdiction to receive the correct guidance. In particular Pegasus Capital LLP are not associated in any way with 'Luxeforex' nor 'PegasusCapital' and should consumers be contacted by them it is important that they contact the UK FCA Consumer Helpline to ensure that they are given the correct guidance. The UK FCA has issued a 'clone alert' against 'Luxeforex' and 'PegasusCapital' and both are on the list of unauthorised firms and individuals on the Financial Services Register Luxeforex (clone of authorised firm) and PegasusCapital (Clone of FCA authorised firm)

A View from the Bridge - May 2024

The Bank of England were not expected to move policy rates at today’s meeting so the focus for markets was on the updated quarterly forecasts for growth and inflation along with the accompanying minutes of the two-day policy meeting.

PegasusCapital - 24/05/2024