Pegasus Capital

A View from the Bridge - April 2018

Economic Growth in the UK during Q1 has been quite disappointing, with the ONS advanced estimate showing activity barely changing in the first three months of the year relative to the end of 2017, with the ‘Beast from the East’ only partly to blame!
Tags:Inflation , ONS , MPC

PegasusCapital - 01/05/2018

A View from the Bridge - Aug 2017

Yesterday’s FT article, which appeared on page 2 of the printed edition, highlighted the Bank of England’s concerns over interest rate complacency

PegasusCapital - 10/09/2017

A View from the Bridge - June 2015

As one European country (Iceland) phases out capital controls as it emerges from the 2007/2008 financial crisis and the failure of its banking system, another imposes capital controls and faces the prospect of one or more of its banks failing depending on the decisions to be taken by the ECB
Tags:ECB , Greece , CDS , ONS , Default

PegasusCapital - 01/07/2015

A View from the Bridge - May 2024

The Bank of England were not expected to move policy rates at today’s meeting so the focus for markets was on the updated quarterly forecasts for growth and inflation along with the accompanying minutes of the two-day policy meeting.

PegasusCapital - 24/05/2024