Pegasus Capital

A View from the Bridge - Oct 2016

Like going into Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe without knowing if we want pear drops or some fudge, Brexit is bringing out that hard toffee/soft toffee debate amongst us all!
Tags:QE , Gilts , Brexit , OPEC

PegasusCapital - 01/11/2016

A View from the Bridge - May 2015

Who would have thought (apart from Sir Mick Jagger and Lynton Crosby) that the Conservative party would win a majority in the UK general election or that the SNP would all but sweep the board in Scotland!
Tags:QE , Greece , SNP

PegasusCapital - 01/06/2015

A View from the Bridge - April 2015

Guessing when interest rates might rise is as difficult as predicting which political parties will form the next UK government

PegasusCapital - 30/04/2015

A View from the Bridge - February 2015

The last 6 years or so have seen Central Banks across the world keeping a tight control on money supply and interest rates, trying to stimulate growth, encourage investment and reduce unemployment

PegasusCapital - 02/03/2015

A View from the Bridge - January 2015

The voters of modern Greece have had enough of fighting the old EU imposed austerity and have voted for change in the form of a new force in Greek politics

PegasusCapital - 02/02/2015

A View from the Bridge - May 2024

The Bank of England were not expected to move policy rates at today’s meeting so the focus for markets was on the updated quarterly forecasts for growth and inflation along with the accompanying minutes of the two-day policy meeting.

PegasusCapital - 24/05/2024